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Math 4B

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Here is the class outline:

1. Math Vocabulary

Aug 12

We will be learning fundamental math vocabulary that will be used throughout the year. These terms are absolutely essential to learning math.

2. Place Values

Aug 17

We are going to go over place value in numbers all the way up to the billions!

3. adding and subtracting fundamentals

Aug 24

applying adding and subtracting with larger numbers

4. Factors and Multiples

5. Multiplication Fundamentals

double-digit multiplication

6. Division fundamentals

dividing with larger numbers

7. Fractions

8. Adding and subtracting fractions

9. Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers

10. Subtracting Mixed Numbers Continued

11. Multiplying with fractions

12. Decimals

13. Finals Week Semester 1

14. Semester 2 Week 1

15. Customary Units

16. Shapes and Areas

17. Angles and Lines

18. Shapes

cuboids and shapes

19. financial literacy

20. Statistics

21. ITU Documents

22. Probability

23. 4th grade finals