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Social Studies

IB History of the Americas 1

Lauren Bufano
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Here is the class outline:

1. Welcome

Introduction to IB History of the Americas 1

2. IB Prep Paper 1 & 2

IB History Prep

3. The Move to Global War Casey Study 1: Japanese expansionism in East Asia

1.1: The impact of nationalism and militarism on Japan's foreign policy: the origins, 1853-1930 1.2 Japanese expansion in South-east Asia, 1931-1941 1.3 The international response to Japanese expansion, 1931

4. The Move to Global War Casey Study 2: German and Italian expansion

2.1 The impact of fascism on Italian Foreign policy: the origins, 1870-1933 2.2 The impact of Nazism on German foreign policy: the origins, 1918-1933 2.3 Italian expansion, 1933-1940 2.4 German expansion, 1933-1938 2.5 German expansion, 1933-1938 2.6 International responses to Italian aggression, 1935-1940 2.7 The international response to German aggression, 1933-1940

5. Causes and Effects of 20th Century Wars

6. The Cold War Ch.1: Growth and tension- the origins of the Cold War, 1943-1949

cold war

The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries

7. IA Everything

8. Film: Extra Learning Opportunities

9. The Cold War Ch.2: Global spread of the Cold War, 1945-1964

cold war

The Cold War: Superpower Tensions and Rivalries